Monday, February 6, 2012


Rhinoplasty is a procedure from the beauty surgery, with the nose of a patient can be remodeled. Many people are dissatisfied with their nose. Some like their symmetry does not, others do not agree with their contours. Others are disturbed by a "hump" on the nose, her nose are too small or too big for her face. A nose job can there be a big help. But not everyone who is dissatisfied with his nose, is also suitable for such a cosmetic operation.

How important is the correction of your nose?
A nose job falls into the realm of cosmetic surgeons. So it is in most cases, not medically necessary. The reasons for a rhinoplasty are almost always aesthetic, but also an accident may disfigure the nose so that there will be something medically corrected. As a rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure and any surgery carries a risk in itself, should you really be sure that you want this plastic surgery.

Very important: Get more information!
Who plays with the idea of ​​a nose job, which should prepare themselves mentally to. This includes first of all, that you obtain comprehensive information about this intervention. The more you know about the nose job, the more secure you will be even more quiet and you will be able to tackle the nose job. When searching for information, it is important that you can explain both the advantages and the disadvantages (ie about side effects and risks).
The most convenient and easiest way to find this information is online via the Internet. Here you will find many articles on rhinoplasty and Erfahrungsbereichte of people can read, which have had a nose job is to perform. On the Internet you can look at before and after pictures and see what adjustments are possible with this procedure. The Internet is also a good source of information if you are looking for a practice for cosmetic surgery or a plastic surgeon.

Arrange a consultation
Prior to any cosmetic surgery a consultation is necessary. And that's a good thing. The Internet, you can indeed learn about nose jobs, but never replaced the call with a plastic surgeon. For a consultation, you have the opportunity to ask any questions that arise in connection with the nose correction. The plastic surgeon will tell you exactly what results can reach the nose correction. Using before and after pictures, he will tell you which correction is realistic in your special case. This is especially important: be realistic! If you have unrealistic expectations, you will be disappointed after rhinoplasty may very.
Of course, the doctor will examine you physically and ask you questions about your medical history. He will teach you about risks and side effects and give you tips on behavior before and after surgery. The form of anesthesia is of course discussed also in this context.

You should know how the healing process will proceed.
Some people think that they can admire directly after the nose job her new nose. Which is not so. After the nose job, you will be wearing a bandage, which is usually removed after two days. The nose may be swollen at the time and have bruises. In the first week after the operation there to unpleasant stresses and occasionally also cause pain. Gradually, these things are better but after about two weeks and you can watch the full results of the rhinoplasty.

The best candidate for a nose job is a person who is fully informed about this procedure and go with realistic expectations of a plastic surgeon. You should not allow this operation to make on a whim, but to bring really good reasons for wanting a nose job. A nose job is not suitable for people who suffer from depression and poor self-esteem.

Cosmetic surgery - rhinoplasty
Our nose for our appearance plays a crucial role. Many people find their nose but not as nice. Do you belong to? The most common reasons for a rhinoplasty are the so-called bump noses, which is located on the nose a "bump". Also, too much or too little noses and noses, which have an unpleasant form, are reasons to decide to sign up for a nose job.

By means of a rhinoplasty, the nose may be remodeled. Studies to follow are the best at up to 30 people Expected life. Rhinoplasty is usually performed for aesthetic reasons. More rarely, a correction of the nose from a medical point of view is necessary - but also there is. If there are, for example by the shape of the nose, nasal breathing disorders, the nose surgery is medically justified.

There are many different treatment options in cosmetic surgery. In addition to liposuction, lip augmentation, eyelid drooping eyelids when, facelift and wrinkle treatment with Botox is the nose job with the most desired treatment in plastic surgery.

A rhinoplasty is usually not provided by statutory health insurance. At least not if the reasons are aesthetic in nature for it. Once the nose job but medically necessary, take over the health insurance the surgery costs. A nose job costs about 3,000 euros. The costs depend on but always on the type of correction and the cost of treatment.

For a nose job, general anesthesia is necessary. Some surgeons perform this surgery outpatient and the patient can go on the same day after surgery back home. Mostly, however, hospitalization is recommended. Here, patients have significantly more sleep than at home. Tip: Rhinoplasty cost (in Czech).

For rhinoplasty, you must be 18 years old. The operation lasts between one and three hours. If you are having the surgery outpatient, so make sure someone to drive you home. They even allowed to drive after plastic surgery, no vehicle.
After surgery there may be swelling and bruising on his face. sometimes occurs a slight nosebleed. You can reduce these symptoms, if you strictly adhere to the instructions of your doctor and take care of himself above all.

Rhinoplasty - you should know
The nose job is one of the most difficult procedures in cosmetic surgery. Did you know that a demand of four rhinoplasty surgery for a further readjustment? The decision for a nose job should never be taken lightly.
A nose job (rhinoplasty refers to as) is a method of Plastic Surgeons, which is performed to model the appearance of the nose and to improve Sun Depending on the type of correction, the surgeon uses the incisions inside or outside of the nose. Do not worry: there are none, or remain very small, barely visible scar.
In a so called nasal hump of excess bone or cartilage is removed. The nose and the nasal side walls can be remodeled. If the nose is wrong, it will be addressed during surgery. Sometimes you need to remove any cartilage, but added. The opposite of a hooked nose, a broken nose, which means that there is an indentation on the nose. These can be filled with cartilage and so the nose can be adjusted. Most body's own cartilage from other parts of the nose is used. Less commonly, this is not possible and the surgeon takes cartilage from the ear or the ribs of the patient.
After rhinoplasty, which is usually performed under general anesthesia, the nose gets a dressing. It is removed after about two days. It is very important to the area around the nose to cool well. Periodic cooling may reduce any possible swelling. Keep yourself after a nose job please advice given her surgeon as it may otherwise lead to a deterioration in wound healing or cause infection.
It is very important that you can perform rhinoplasty only by a well trained plastic surgeons. A reputable, experienced doctor will vorschwärmen not only the benefits of a rhinoplasty. He will discuss with you may have about the risks of plastic surgery and tell you what side effects can have the surgery itself and the anesthesia.

For what reasons rhinoplasty be performed?
Our nose is among us as our arms and our eyes. Some of us are born with a well-shaped nose to the world that annoy other since childhood about their hooked nose or a crooked nose. The shape of our nose, we can also affect how much their size. Whether too much or too little nose - it's genetic. We have only two possibilities: either we find from our nose and we opt for a nose job.
Can accept and do not want many people with their nose. The nose is now sitting right in the face once and therefore draws attention to them immediately. Many people who have an ugly nose are exposed to since childhood or youth to the ridicule of other people. That can do hurt a lot and it's only natural that falls at some point the decision: I let my nose surgically corrected.
Different it looks when the nose is malformed right from birth and their actual function can not do justice. This can lead to disorders of nasal respiration. A nose job in such cases is absolutely necessary and medically justified. Even an accident can destroy the whole nose or parts thereof so that the plastic surgeon needs to perform a nose job.
In principle, the nose job are paid out of pocket. It is worthwhile but in any case, check with the insurance company and describe your own personal case. If the correction of the nose is medically necessary, including the statutory health insurance costs is to take it. If desired, however, only de rhinoplasty for aesthetic reasons, the patient must pay the full cost yourself. From € 3,000 cost of a rhinoplasty. Add to this the cost of anesthesia and the cost of a hospital stay may be necessary.
Cases the decision for a nose job never carelessly or on a whim. Sometimes it happens that other people do not like our nose, but even so we have no problems. Then you should not only make the people because of this intervention. The decision for a nose job should always correspond to their own needs and are made only when one has to thoroughly investigate.

Important information for the period after the nose job
A nose corrector (also known as rhinoplasty) is a surgical procedure that corrects the cosmetic surgeon to shape or size of the nose. The surgery itself takes between one and three hours - depending on what exactly should be corrected to the patient's nose. The nose surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and requires two to three day hospital stay. Tip: rhinoplasty rhinoplasty Munich. In rare cases, rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure in the practice of a plastic surgeon.

After rhinoplasty, there are some things to consider. We will explain the most important rules for the operation.

- Enjoy after nose surgery alone. In the clinic, you will see this calm rather than at home. If you are back home, so are all you have homework and protect yourself. Make sure that even before the nose job that you have after surgery, a help for the household and for childcare.

- Do you sleep with increased upper body. Even if it is uncomfortable: You should not lie down flat on the nose job. So you can reduce swelling in the face.

- Cool the areas around the nose. Cooling may also help to avoid or at least reduce swelling.

- Avoid physical activities and sports. And this for several weeks after surgery. Then increase the load gradually and only as it gets to you.

- You may shower 24 hours after the nose job again. Be careful and make sure that no water comes up to the nose and the Association.

- Do you need a visual aid, so after the procedure will only contact lenses in question. A pair of glasses, you should only wear resist if your surgeon gives the OK to do so.

Many people look forward to soon be able to admire the new nose job her nose. Here you have to practice patience. In the early days of the nose can look like anything other than beautiful: it can cause unsightly swelling and bruising and nosebleeds can also occur. These symptoms are all normal and no cause for concern. It was not until about two weeks after the nose job, you can see the whole success of cosmetic surgery.
Common questions about nose surgery (rhinoplasty)

A rhinoplasty is a procedure in cosmetic surgery. It comes into use when people are very unhappy with her nose and thus can not resign. In connection with a nose job usually take a lot of questions - we want to try the most of it to give an answer.

 Why Rhinoplasty be performed?
Rhinoplasty can be performed on the one hand, for aesthetic and other medical reasons. Some people find their nose is too small, too big, too wide, too narrow or too pointed, too square ... and some are suffering from a nasal hump or a so-called saddle nose. A nose job can remodel the nose again and give it a nice shape that suits the patient's face.

 Is it necessary for the nasal correction, general anesthesia?
Yes. Most plastic surgeons operate on their patients with this procedure under general anesthesia. Rare is used only local anesthesia. Discuss any questions about anesthesia, please contact your plastic surgeon.

 What are the risks of a nose job?
When the nose surgery can lead to impaired wound healing and infections. Nerves may be affected and consequently it can cause numbness in the face and especially the nose come. It can also cause swelling, bruising and bleeding from the nose. These symptoms usually on their own within a few days after the surgery. Some rhinoplasty nose is built up. There may be a necessary implant use. Implants are usually tolerated very well - in some cases it may also lead to rejection.

 The shape of the nose after rhinoplasty is always what I wanted?
Mostly yes. However, it may happen that the nose has after correcting unsightly bumps. These are usually caused by bone or cartilage tissue and regress almost always alone. Should not that be the case, it must again be a nose job done.

 Is it necessary for a nose job a hospital stay?
Yes, most plastic surgeons perform this surgery through the clinic and recommend hospitalization of two or three days. In the clinic, you have the necessary rest to recover after the surgery and to spare.

 When will the association after the nose job?
All patients who have undergone rhinoplasty want to quickly see the results of the surgery. Until then, you have to wait about two days. Only then, the association comes from the nose.
[ source ]

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Symptoms and treatment of Psoriasis

Chronic skin disease, benign, characterized by an erythematous, scaly rash, which evolves in spurts, predominantly on the elbows, knees, scalp.
Psoriasis is characterized by an abnormal proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes associated with infiltration of the dermis and epidermis by T cells and neutrophils forming microabscesses in the stratum corneum.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease which affects around 2% of the population.

The etiopathogenesis is still unknown:
- Existence of hereditary factors in particular admitted with an attack family (inconstant connection to certain HLA groups),
- Role of psychological trauma (hormonal changes, stress ..) and infections in the determination of relapses (streptococcal infections),
- Some research suggests that psoriasis results from immune abnormalities.

Symptoms and signs
Psoriasis manifests itself in several ways, most often by the appearance of red or pink skin patches covered with dry scales and whitish more or less thick material that detach discovering a red skin and saignottante.
The plates, especially those present on the scalp, crumble and lamellae white, similar to dandruff, become detached from the epidermis.
Psoriasis is sometimes accompanied by itching and fissures (particularly on the hands and feet).
Particularly serious forms exist:
- Because of the localization: face, folds, genitals, scalp, with palmoplantar or nail,
- Pustular in character: it is localized amicrobiennes pustules on the hands and feet and diffuse or generalized,
- By their extension: generalized forms bearing the clinical features of psoriasis (psoriasis universalis) or taking on the appearance of erythroderma,
- Because of inflammatory joint diseases: psoriatic arthritis, psoriatic spondylitis, inflammatory joint flare accompanying forms generalis


Psoriasis affects certain specific areas of the body:
- The most frequently: The scalp, elbows, knees, back
- The less frequently: the groin, armpits, the palms, soles, nails (which have multiple punctate depressions giving a corner "in thimble"), buttocks, around the navel The inside of the cheeks, the external genitalia.

The diagnostic elements:
- Location at the extensor surface of the members
- Raised red, scaly plates
- The scales removed with a curette, which gives a whitish spot "in the task of candle"
- Itching is variable and inconstant

In most cases, the diagnosis does not pose a problem. However, some atypical forms and certain locations are more difficult to diagnose:
- Folds psoriasis (inverse psoriasis) that realizes an aspect of chronic intertrigo resistant to usual treatment,
- Nail psoriasis may be mistaken for onychomycosis (in half the cases the two are related),
- Psoriasis of the scalp and face that is very similar to seborrheic dermatitis,
- Guttate psoriasis, eruptive child and adolescent who may be mistaken for a viral rash or pityriasis rosea.
In these particular forms, the biopsy provides only rarely a definitive diagnosis. This is essentially the presence of typical lesions remote, and especially the evolution of chronic lesions that are useful for diagnosis.

The age of onset is highly variable, the evolution is undefined, unpredictable, made outbreaks and remissions of varying length and more or less complete (persistence of lesions of the elbows and knees) in which the lesions disappear without scars, hyperpigmentation at best or a stain amelanotic transient.
Some medications worsen psoriasis (blockers, inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme - ACE inhibitors, lithium).

In the current state of knowledge, there is no treatment that can cure psoriasis and all treatments can only claim a suspensive action. The hopes of radical treatment are related to the discovery of genes responsible for disease.
First look for triggers: infections, drugs.
The treatment of psoriasis limited to a few spots, called first-line derivatives of vitamin D that can be associated with local corticosteroid.
There are also topical retinoid (Tazarotene)
In the most extensive psoriasis, phototherapy is the treatment of choice, whether ultraviolet B (usually narrow spectrum - 311 nm) or PUVA introduces these ultraviolet A decision of psoralen (Méladinine most often).
Finally in severe (generalized psoriasis, erythrodermic or pustular) should be called to Methotrexate, retinoids (Soriatane) or cyclosporin.
These therapies are not without major side effects and require a complete pre-therapeutic and regular monitoring in specialized settings.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Influenza Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a generic term used to describe several diseases in which an infection or a chemical cause inflammation of the alveoli. These cavities are filled with fluid or pus, preventing the lungs to transfer oxygen efficiently into the bloodstream.
Before the advent of antibiotics in the 1930s, pneumonia was a leading causes of death. Although it has become easier to treat, pneumonia remains a public health problem.
Pneumonia comes in many different forms with a spectrum of severity varies widely. There are basically four types:
the community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), is the form of pneumonia the most common. It is caused by bacteria, viruses and other acquired outside a hospital or other health care settings;
pneumonia hospital (PH) or nosocomial (NP) said at least 48 hours after admission to a hospital. It can be triggered by bacteria or other organisms different from those usually are the cause of community-acquired pneumonia. Hospital pneumonia is usually more serious than community-acquired pneumonia because the presence of bacteria and organisms can make it more difficult to treat, and because it strikes people are already sick;
aspiration pneumonia is caused by the inhalation of liquids or other irritants in the lungs. Aspiration pneumonia is the most common is caused by the inhalation of the contents of the stomach after vomiting. People who have health problems (eg. A stroke, Lou Gehrig's disease) that affect swallowing are more susceptible to this type of pneumonia;
Opportunistic pneumonia reached the people who have a weakened immune system (eg. by AIDS, cancer, organ transplant). The organisms that cause these infections do not normally affect people enjoying healthy immune systems.
The healthy people aged under 65 will rarely serious complications following pneumonia. People with chronic lung disease or whose immune systems are generally at higher risk of pneumonia.

The most common causes of pneumonia are caused by infections:
bacteria - the most common cause of pneumonia in adults;
viruses - virus pneumonia especially for children;
mycoplasma - these microorganisms to the characteristics of viruses and bacteria cause less severe infections;
microorganisms opportunistic - a threat to people with weakened immune systems (eg. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients).
Most forms of pneumonia are transmitted in the same way as influenza or the common cold, that is to say by the contact of hands and by tiny droplets from the mouth and nose. In fact, the same viruses that cause colds and flu can also cause pneumonia. When these viruses infect the throat, sinuses or upper respiratory tract, it is a cold. If the virus reaches the lungs is pneumonia.

Bacteria that are present at all times in the throat (or pharynx) cause many people some of the most serious forms of pneumonia. Under normal conditions, the immune system effectively combat these bacteria. By cons, if the immune system is weakened by a virus in the pharynx, these bacteria can invade the respiratory tract. Bacterial pneumonia is most often caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus).
Most pneumonia affecting infants and young children are caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The incidence of this disease is increasing sharply in December and January, but it does not life threatening. Viruses cause about half of all cases of pneumonia.
Mycoplasmas cause a disease called "walking pneumonia", so called because the people affected are not confined to bed.
A fungus called Pneumocystis carinii is not normally found only in people with AIDS. Under normal conditions, this fungus is harmless, but in people infected with HIV, it can cause an aggressive and often fatal pneumonia.
In addition to infectious diseases, pneumonia can be caused by chemicals that enter the lungs and cause inflammation. Aspiration pneumonia is caused by accidental aspiration of food, vomiting or stomach acid into the lungs. The inhaled substance may become infected, or it may inflame the lungs and cause a consolidation (the alveoli fill with fluid).

The risk of pneumonia is higher in the following cases:
younger than 1 year or greater than 65;
the presence of a cold or flu;
a weakened immune system due to cancer treatment, an HIV infection or other illness;
surgical treatment;
an addiction to alcohol;
a chronic condition like heart disease, lung disease or diabetes;
chronic lung disease, eg. asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Symptoms of pneumonia vary depending on its cause and the general health of the person affected.
Pneumonia always causes a cough, and it is often productive, that is to say, it is accompanied by sputum. Sputum of a reddish brown, green or yellow can be a sign of bacterial infection. Clear and whitish sputum is a possible sign of infection with a mycoplasma.
In bacterial pneumonia, the lungs, in whole or in part, slowly fill with liquid, this is called consolidation. Some bacterial lung infections settle in a few hours. There is usually a high fever that sometimes reached 40.9 ° C (105 ° F).
Here are some other possible symptoms of bacterial pneumonia:
shortness of breath;
a headache,
delirium (the confusion),
a very bad breath,
muscle pain,
a chest pain, especially deep breathing,
blue lips and nail beds due to lack of oxygen in the blood.
Viral pneumonia does not cause fluid accumulation in the lungs, it causes more inflammation of the lung tissue itself. It is usually less severe than bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia caused by influenza viruses can be very serious and is an exception to this rule.
Viral pneumonia produced the characteristic symptoms include:
dry cough,
little sputum,
muscle pain,
weakness and fatigue,
moderate fever, up to 39 ° C (102 ° F),
shortness of breath;
blue lips and nail beds.

Bacterial pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics, as well as pneumonia caused by mycoplasma. It is extremely important to take antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your doctor and complete the full treatment, even if you feel better. There is no cure for most viral infections, we must simply wait until the body gets rid of. Your doctor will advise you on ways to relieve the symptoms of viral pneumonia. Fungal infections can be treated with antifungal medications.
There are four ways to prevent pneumonia. The first is to adopt a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, stay physically fit and get enough sleep. These measures help to preserve the strength of the immune system.
The second way is vaccination. There is no vaccine against most forms of pneumonia, but the two most common forms are preventable with vaccines: a vaccine against the flu virus and the vaccine against pneumococcus. In Canada, it is recommended that the entire population be vaccinated against influenza each year. In some provinces, influenza vaccine is administered free of charge. In addition, a new vaccine against pneumococcus has been developed to protect children against Streptococcus pneumoniae and is now recommended as part of the primary vaccination in infants.
The third way to prevent pneumonia is to consult the doctor when coughing continues to deteriorate after three or four days. Consult your doctor immediately if your sputum contains blood or have an unusual color or smell. While the initial disease was a common cold, bacteria can easily cause a secondary infection resulting in a severe pneumonia.
The fourth way to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria that can cause pneumonia is to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pancreatic cancer, symptoms and treatment

Pancreatic cancer is the fifth cause of cancer death in industrialized countries. It affects more men in general over the age of 50 years.
It affects almost always part of the gland that secretes digestive enzymes.
This is a very serious tumor whose chances of recovery are low because usually when symptoms appear, the tumor was already advanced, not eradicate.
Often, indeed, the tumor has already formed metastases in the lymph nodes or the liver or other organs.

Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed when it is already at an advanced stage.
However, the possibility of total resection of pancreatic cancer now include early diagnosis. This early diagnosis can be achieved by selecting patients with known high risk of developing this disease, as patients with chronic pancreatitis or diabetes for example.
The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are still unusual and occur most frequently by:
weight loss and appetite,
Acute back pain,
dark urine,
colored stools,
superficial phlebitis or thrombosis,
a depression,
jaundice or jaundice when there is compression of the bile ducts.

Risk factors
Smoking is certainly a risk factor, smokers are much more affected than non-smokers.
In countries where the diet is high in fat, the incidence of pancreatic cancer is higher.
Coffee and alcohol are also implicated but the current data do not mean to establish a direct relationship with pancreatic cancer.
Finally, people with chronic pancreatitis have a high risk of developing this cancer.

The diagnosis must be made ??at an early stage, and the classification is based on staging.
Imaging techniques have become essential with:
endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography.
These have greatly improved the visualization of vascular invasion, a major element of operability or not.
The scanner also provides sensitivity in addition to the location of the tumor, its staging

Surgical removal of the tumor is the only chance of cure for the disease where the tumor is confined to the pancreas, this procedure does, however, that 25% of patients.

The procedure involves removal of part of the stomach, gall bladder, part of the biliary tract, head of the pancreas and the entire duodenum.

Most patients whose tumor is advanced jaundice or jaundice due to compression of the bile ducts. If the tumor compresses the duodenum also, it can make difficult the passage of the bolus in the gut. Surgery in these cases can relieve the patient by performing biliary bypass or stomach directly into the small intestine.

1. The treatment of locally advanced or metastatic cancers

Very few products of chemotherapy showed effective anti-tumor activity when used in mono-chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer is known to be chemo-resistant. Some molecules such as Gemcitabine or Docetaxel is increasingly used.
In terms of poly-chemotherapy, a few new combinations but recent assessment provides hope.
Chemotherapy aims to improve the quality of life by reducing symptoms associated with the disease.


The combination of concomitant radio-chemotherapy is often used in locally advanced non-operable but not metastatic.

2. Adjuvant treatment
The effectiveness of adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery has not yet been demonstrated.
The post-operative radiotherapy plus or minus associated with concomitant chemotherapy potentiation is often used in high-risk forms.
Radiotherapy reduces the abdominal pain experienced by many patients but it is much more effective than injection of analgesics.
In conclusion, the conventional medical treatment retains an even limited support for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Clinical research is active in this area.

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